بيت أدوات إصلاح أداة سطح المكتب

Horotec Desktop Tools

Horotec, a notable manufacturer of both watch parts and tools, offers desktop tools, which ensure proper fitting of watch hands. These tools prevent any damage to the watch hands, dial, and other delicate parts. We can provide you with the desktop tools needed for any watch repair you may perform: Horotec MSA07.368, MSA06.152, MSA05.021, and MSA01.504. If you are looking for an item that is not listed below, please email us at [email protected]، وسوف نبذل قصارى جهدنا للعثور عليه! احصل على خصم $5 مع الطلبات التي تزيد عن $50 مع القسيمة: سوفليجو.

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